Thursday, March 13, 2008


The HIV/AIDS Awareness committee would like to introduce to you our t-shirt campaign....

Many thanks to our Graphic designers. They literally worked day and night to establish what I would say a touch of perfection...

This T-shirt will symbolize the HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaign 2008.... for me, the words encrypted on the t-shirt brings forth a common meaning to all of us out there who are fighting to help keep the promise of a world free from AIDS.

It is with this t-shirt, we hope that the message is able reach out more to the youth and the public regarding HIV/AIDS.


5 very powerful words.

We realise that by the end of the day, HIV/AIDS.... it is just not a one man problem but it effects each and everyone of us.... if effects the whole world.

We are hoping to sell the T-SHIRT to the public. So, if there is anyone out there who is interested in buying... please do not hesitate to email us at

The money from the T-shirt sales will go directly in helping out with the HIV/AIDS awareness campaign 2008.

Believe that you can make a difference.

Thank you for your support and dedication towards this campaign.

1 comment:

nOoRoLe said...

may i know the price??!!