Saturday, January 26, 2008

Our first charity sale collection~!!!

okay today is like our first ever charity sale collection.... what happened~?!!

we went from room to room collecting any unwanted useable items to sell off durin the charity sale....

My lips and tongue are suffering from exhaustion right now. Well who's lips wont suffer from exhaustion if they kept repeating the same dialogue over and over again...

it was more of like this... "hye hello... we are from the HIV/AIDS awareness u have any unwanted items that u would like to donate for our charity sale that will be held after Chinese new year~!!!"(i know i have to admit the line was a bit "SKEMA") and i never stopped smiling.... :-)

haha it was quite hilarious watching my friend and I dragging this outrageously humongous blue plastic back from one room to another....

well we managed to gain many items in hand... we got a rice cooker thanx to the Desa Murni collectors~!!! bed sheets and even a perfume...

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the collectors for going out of their way to collect items from each room.... and I would also like to thank those who donated to us.

Seriously thank u....

anwayz the second collection will be held on the 11th of FEBRUARY~! So, for those who didnt get an opportunity to donate yet, u can still get a chance to donate any unwanted items this 11th of February.....



Anonymous said...

A suggestion to the blogmaster: create another more professional & formal blog so that it can be used to promote this program to the professionals (eg. lecturers, private sectors). Who knows they might be interested to help (big bucks!).
Meanwhile this one can be targeted to the public & youth.
Anyway it's a noble initiative. Congratulations & good luck to the organizers.

Anonymous said...

Do you have a bank account for this program? A huge program (with huge budget) usually have a bank account of its own. You can advertise the account no. in your blogs. This will make it easier for people from all over the nation to donate (especially the big bucks!)