Monday, February 11, 2008

Its the first day of HIV/AIDS awareness month~!

Happy belated chinese new year to all malaysians.... one week holiday has past and here we are back in Good old Kelantan...

so guess what we did today... its the 11th of FEBRUARY~!!! its the beginning of the HIV/AIDS awareness month... to mark the first day of the month we start off by wearing RED~!!!

and not forgetting the 2nd collection for the "charity sale".... phew... seriously we are exausted... but it was all worth it because the amount of items that were donated... all i can say is AMAZING...

Now all we got to do is price them and code each one...

Just a reminder to those who are still oblivious about the charity sale....

it starts this thrusday(14th of feb) from 9am until 6pm.

Location = the ATM area opposite the pharmacy around hUSM ( believe me u can never miss the spot its like super RED)

if you are a health campus student than it would really easy for u to find the place...

Dont worry about the price... its super cheap(price range from RM 1 - RM 50)... and if u decide to buy... you will not just be gaining an item but as a matter of fact... you would also be helping the HIV/AIDS awareness campaign 2008.

okay lets get down to buisiness....

where will the money go...


A. to help fund the HIV/AIDS awareness project in JUNE 2008

B. To help fund NGO's who are involved in the fight againts HIV.

C. to help out single mothers from Kelantan who are infected with HIV(believe me there are many out there who do not have the proper resources regarding HIV/AIDS and they dont even have a job to begin with... no money means no excess to treatment, no excess to proper sanitation, and no excess to proper food.... the scenario gets worse if the mother is unable to buy powdered milk and resort to feeding her baby breast milk... and there we have it transmission of HIV from mother to child....)

We believe that rm 1 can help many out there who deserve a chance to live like normal people even though they are infected with HIV....

Do remember that HIV is not a death sentence.... we can still make a difference if you start caring....

To those who are willing to give personal donation... please email to this address

we will meet again soon....

to those who helped in the charity sale collection... thank you

to those who have donated their time, energy and money.... thank you.

to those who are willing to help at any cost....thank you.

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